Title: Dora the Explorer’s Christmas Carol Adventure
Starring: Caitlin Sanchez, Harry Chase, Regan Mizrahi
Year of Release: 2009
Storyline (thanks to :
As Nochebuena, or Christmas Eve, descends on Dora and her friends, Santa is checking his list of naughty and nice children. But this Santa does not fool around — he takes the naughty list very seriously, and will not be giving gifts to friends who do not share their toys or do not listen to directions. Thus unfolds the story of Swiper, who enjoys “swiping” his friend’s toys. “I really do like swiping,” he says with a toothy grin, and he does not seem to learn even when Dora tries to help. Santa intervenes once more, telling Swiper that he needs to travel through time in order to learn some valuable lessons about sharing. And like Scrooge, Swiper travels through Christmas past, present, and future to see how his poor choices have affected his friends. Will he learn the lesson of sharing and really get into the Christmas spirit?
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